Sunday, April 17, 2016

Entry #5 Can I Get An Hallelujah

              Arizona State University, home of the devils known for its big campus, and it's many careers it has to offer to students. ASU is one of the most convenient university to attend in Arizona because of their online courses and  different locations. Yet, they are always finding new ways to help it's students be successful. I was reading an article called "Arizona State University to offer short classes" by Anne Ryman and she talks about how ASU wants to offer short courses that can be completed in 7 1/2 weeks instead of it's normal length of 15 weeks. In order to give students more flexibility, financial savings, as well as, helping students to graduate faster.
         Although, short classes are not for everyone due to its fast past. In an Online class, you still do all the work you would normally do in a 18 week course. Which means you have no time to procrastinate and you have to be on top of your work. On the other hand, even though you won't have time to do the things you would normally want to do, like hanging out with friends,  it is  a convenient route to take  if you are looking to catch up, or as mentioned before graduate early.

All in all, I believe more universities should offer short courses for those who want to get school out the way.  Not to throw "shade" or anything but  I know Wildcats are probably jealous of this.


  1. Completing classes faster and getting a degree in half the time would be a huge bonus!

  2. I would love to be done faster! But I think all that work would just be too much for me to handle.
