Saturday, April 2, 2016

Entry #1 No way "Jose"

               My professor recently added a list of blogs we could look through to read and may I say I'm amazed at how much effort people put into a their blog!  People go all out and had a really well thought points and observations. There is a blog out there for pretty much everything. So I decided to share with you three of the blogs that I read and the reasons why I did or didn't like them.

#1:Google's Blog
            Let me guess... You didn't know google had a blog? like "where we've been at though?"  I'm kidding, to be honest, I didn't know this blog existed, but I'm glad I do now. Google's blog shares interesting information about all kinds of subjects. For example, my favorite blog so far is about Abbey Road Studio where "The Beatles" and other impressive legends  have recorded. There blogs are well organized, short, and straight to the point. Which is really nice, I'm all about short and sweet readings. As expected google also is really good quality pictures and videos. There blogs are mostly to inform the reader and because they are of different subjects the audience is a wide range of people. All in all, google didn't let me down.

#2 The Huffington Post

             I also liked The Huffington post which was also well organized, but it looked more like a website than a traditional blog. It was full of links, pictures, videos, and categories . On like Google's blog Huffington had more global  subjects like politics and the environment.  The audience of this blog is more for an adult you can tell by the subject they choose to talk about; not many teens are  into politics, although they should be.

#3: Perez Hilton

             The last blog, I wanted to share with you guys is my least favorite. I know what you're thinking  "Addy, that a gossip blog" It is, Perez the writer of the blog does a good job with his links but could learn a thing or two from TMZ (also a gossip blog). I felt like he's blog wasn't organized  that well considering that he basically does this blog for a living. His blog looks somewhat "cheesy"  and his pictures weren't the best.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Addy, I to had the Perez hilton blog as my least favorite. For some reason I just did not how they had the format set up, it seemed kind of sloppy to me to be honest. Anyways, as the old saying goes "great minds think alike"
