Thursday, May 12, 2016

Entry 11 Simply the end

Can you smell that? That's the smell of summer!! Finally done with this semester and I couldn't be happier. This semester has been an emotional rollercoter, I've been stressed, I've cried, I've laughed, but best of all I have learned and encounter new experiences. One of them is my blogging Journey.
When I first started my blog, I was really nervous because I didn't know what to write about. It also made me a little uncomfortable knowing that my blogs were there for anyone to see. At the same time I liked that I was getting out of my comfortable zone "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor"  right?

Yes, yes that's me on the left, my nephews, and my sister a few summers back.

So allow me to share some of the good stuff I have learned with my blogging journey and maybe this can help you start your own. It is important to keep your audience in mind this well help you set your tone and remember to always be true to yourself. Don't try to make yourself seem like someone you're not. That's not cool. Let your personality shine through your writing. I know this can be hard at first because it's human nature to want to be liked and accepted by others, but once you realize that regardless of that you do, not everyone is going to like you. You start to grow as a person, the only person you should be worried about if they like you, or not should be yourself.

I also learned the importance to set up a background to your audience. By doing so it gives the reader the reason for your entry and helps them make a connection and maybe relate to your subject. This goes in hand with the way you sign off . Just like  in the begging you give your audience background information, it is important to  end your blog with a final thought or closure so the reader doesn't feel like you left your blog half way done.

In addition, I also learned the importance of having good grammar. This was the hardest part for myself since I am not the best of spellers. To help me out I found this really cool website called PaperRater, which helped me look for spelling errors, word choice, and grammar. I feel like I have improved a lot with my grammar thought my blogs and hopefully you have noticed that as well.

Last but not least, I also learned the importance of visual aid. Visuals include links, images, videos, text, and even organization. The thing I enjoyed the best was looking for photos because it gave me time to look through old memories and helped me keep you entertained as well.

So my friend, it has come to the end and it's time for me to say my goodbyes and relax until summer classes start... I'm pretty excited for it actually,  I love learning. I hope you enjoyed my blogging  and hopefully I was able to motivate you in some type of way. So I'll leave you with this quote by Mahatma Gandhi "live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever".
 Peace  -Areli Hinojosa

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Entry #10 Good vibes

Ladies and gentlemen  I hope everyone has been good. For some reason I've been in a really good mood. Nothing but good vibes! (:

This week I went to "first Friday"  If you are unfamiliar with what that is , it is basically  what it sounds like. On the first Friday of every month in downtown Phoenix people with artistic ability to
sell their art, jewelry or simply share their ability to sing and dance for people. It's a good date idea or if you just want to hang out with friends. There are food trucks everywhere and the food is freakin delicious. I ended up going with my cousin Ana, her friend whose name I can't recall, and my boyfriend, kurt.

Here are a few thing you can do at first Friday

1.Besides eating you can look at the street art and take cool picture. 

2. If you like a little adventure you can go inside a contraction cite. There are always new building getting build in downtown.  We were only able to clime up to the 3rd floor before I had to leave.

3. Support local artist by buying their crafts.

4. Get inspired! As we walked around I saw a women selling plants. I like DIYs (do it your self) so I looked up how to make them.

If you are interested ill leave a video here to show you how to make string moss ball plants. They make really cool tumbler decorations for any room.

Enry #9 media

In class we have been talking about the effects that the media has on us. I really enjoy subjects like this because they really keep you thinking. The Media shapes the way we think to a certain point. We believe most of the things shown to us on the News because we trust that they tell us the truth and they know this. The News keeps information form us and only tells us the thing they want to show.

The media tells us what we should buy, how success looks like, and how we should look. All this is controlled by the government. Have you ever looked up things that you wanted to buy on amazon or other places and when you went to YouTube or Facebook you saw a similar item that you  could buy on the side of the screen where the ads are? If not you should keep this in mind.

Here are two of my favorite songs by System of a Down.
sugar and Hypnotize
Sugar has a little clip that relates to the News and how they keep things from us and Hypnotize talks about how simple mined we are when it comes to the media.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Entry #8 kitty from hell?

Back in high school, I used to like hello kitty a lot and I low key still do. I just pretend not to care about her as much, but she's still cute.. in my eyes. When I turned 18 I remember being extremely sad because I was now an adult and basically I could get in "real" trouble now. So I got most of my hello kitty things and gave them away (except a 3 that meant a lot to me). So today as I cleaned my room, I looked at my stuffed animals and thought to myself " why doesn't hello kitty have a mouth ?" So I took my time to look it up and share what I found with you!

According to a legend,  a Chinese lady had  a daughter that had mouth cancer and doctors had given up hope for her. As a mother the Chinese lady looked for other ways to help her daughter and after prayer didn't work she begging to do satanic rituals.

The Chinese lady made a pact with the Devil in order for him to remove the cancer from her daughter's mouth. In return, she had to create a cartoon that kids would love, to trick them into worshiping him.

Which she did:
The Chinese lady made up with Hello kitty which means hello demon (kitty means demon in Chinese).
Hello kitty's ears represent horns, that why they are pointy..
She has no mouth to represent the  daughters mouth cancer.

It is said, that the daughter later on died of another type of cancer. In other words you can't cheat death.

The good news is, it's just a myth.
If you guys would like to read more you can check it out here.

Entry #7 Hashtag It'sLit

If you are in any social media it is very likely that you have come across the hashtag trend. I remember the first time I heard of the new trend my history teacher in high school, would say stuff like "hashtag homework for days" at first I thought he was simply weird. But as time passed, I noticed that it was a way to find things you were interested in. You could look up a "tag" and the hashtag you had searched up would pop up. So here is a an article I came across with today  that can help you answer farther more questions and if you're feeling up to it after, jump in the bandwagon. I myself use hashtags from time to time. Mostly to be funny though.

My favorite hashtag in the beginning of 206 was #wasteHisTime2016 just because they were funny and mean.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Entry #6 Fly HIgh

So recently my boyfriend went to a parkour tournament in Las Vegas for his job. If you guys don't know what parkour is, its basically a sport that involves negotiating through obstacles involving flips, jumping, climbing, and of course running.

If you guys saw the video above it's  mind blowing how people can move their body. right? Kurt is so passionate with what he does that it made me look up it's history and how it became a sport.

It all started because of George Albert,  the founder of parcours. He was an officer of the  French navy before World war 1 and was a victim of a volcanic eruption. This experience lead to him, believing that being an athlete involved courage, skill, and selflessness. He travel around the world studying  indigenous people and their movement. When he came back home, he developed  new methods to exercise by using what he had learned in his journey. He is one of the founders of obstacle course training.

Modern Parkour

was developed  by the Yamakasi group in the 1980's using George Albert tainting method mixed with gymnastics. It is a way to express yourself with movement with in your environment
and at the same time encouraging  concentration, quick thinking, flexibility and Discipline.

Entry #5 Can I Get An Hallelujah

              Arizona State University, home of the devils known for its big campus, and it's many careers it has to offer to students. ASU is one of the most convenient university to attend in Arizona because of their online courses and  different locations. Yet, they are always finding new ways to help it's students be successful. I was reading an article called "Arizona State University to offer short classes" by Anne Ryman and she talks about how ASU wants to offer short courses that can be completed in 7 1/2 weeks instead of it's normal length of 15 weeks. In order to give students more flexibility, financial savings, as well as, helping students to graduate faster.
         Although, short classes are not for everyone due to its fast past. In an Online class, you still do all the work you would normally do in a 18 week course. Which means you have no time to procrastinate and you have to be on top of your work. On the other hand, even though you won't have time to do the things you would normally want to do, like hanging out with friends,  it is  a convenient route to take  if you are looking to catch up, or as mentioned before graduate early.

All in all, I believe more universities should offer short courses for those who want to get school out the way.  Not to throw "shade" or anything but  I know Wildcats are probably jealous of this.